12 Tricks to Write Faster and Improve Productivity!


Many times, copywriters feel a creative block; they spend hours and hours working on a post and only have a draft. In the end, they don’t even like it. They don’t feel that the content flows as it should, that it has rhythm, or that readers can enjoy it. This is something more common than you think, so professional writers want to give you some tricks to write faster so you can improve productivity. Read on and find out what you can do to improve. You can find more useful information on https://www.wowessays.com/.

Avoid distractions to write faster


A good text takes time; that’s basic. But, it doesn’t mean that you can’t speed up the process somehow. You can adopt good habits and improve over time. It’s all a matter of practice and discipline.

The first thing you should know is that distractions can slow you down more than you think.

A study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology focused on understanding short, 2.8-second interruptions and how they affect performance. These interruptions appeared when subjects were performing tasks on their computers and their screens.

The result was that short interruptions doubled the number of errors, and 4.4-second interruptions tripled the number of errors. So, you may want to start considering blocking interruptions, and there are mobile and computer apps that will help you stay more focused.

The next time you are tempted to get distracted, follow this principle “I don’t do “X” until “X.” This will allow you to set goals, such as:

  • “Once I start, I won’t stop until I have written 1000 words.”
  • “When I write, I don’t surf the Internet, use my cell phone, stop for snacks or play with my pet until I have 2000 words.”
  • “I don’t eat breakfast or lunch until I have finished this post.”

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12 tricks to write faster

Follow these tips so you can improve your productivity as a copywriter.

1. Write while you’re “groggy.”

Many copywriters think they need to be fresh and comfortable to start writing. Or that they’re better late at night when they’re already close to the deadline. But, this is not always synonymous with productivity.

Many times writing a draft in the early hours of the morning, just after waking up, is an excellent option. Research indicates that we are more creative when more “groggy.” So, if you think you’re like an owl awake at night, try doing the opposite and write in the early morning hours. And, if you’re an early riser, try writing at night.

2. Set a timer


Setting a timer for writing may seem like a crazy idea at first. You can follow the Pomodoro technique, which recommends dividing your work time into 25-minute intervals (pomodoros) separated by 5-minute breaks. And, after 4 pomodoros, take a longer break of between 20 and 30 minutes.

You might think, what’s the point of stopping when I have a good writing pace? But actually doing it at the peak of your concentration can help you get back to writing easier because you’ll still know what you want to continue with.

Plus, with a timer, you’ll avoid procrastination, one of the biggest problems for writers. It especially affects those who work from home. When you see a timer running, you’ll be more aware of whether you’re wasting time. You will keep writing and avoid procrastination.

Getting used to writing on a timer can help you focus on your work and work without pressure and stress. You will even be able to enjoy your work more.

Eliminate all distractions while you are writing. Lock your cell phone. Close the door and concentrate. This way, you will make better use of your time.

3. Make writing a decision and not an obligation


Obviously, writing is an obligation if you are a copywriter; you have deadlines and responsibilities. But that doesn’t mean you can’t see it as a decision. Instead of saying “I have to write,” say “I want to write.” That way, you won’t have resistance to your assignment, and you won’t feel guilty if you don’t do it.

By talking to ourselves and forcing ourselves to do something, we might end up awakening the procrastinator in us. Instead, it is preferable to make decisions. For example, if you have to do something at home but have to work, choose the wording by saying “I choose” or “I want.” This way, you will end up being more effective in your work.

4. Commit to

Having an agenda or a calendar may seem old-fashioned nowadays, but the truth is that it is not. You can use the apps on your phone to plan your workdays. The day before, write down what you’ll write the next day, decide what projects you’ll work on and for how long, as well as what time you’ll start.

Having a specific plan will help you not to waste time. It’s not just about having willpower or long-term goals but writing down an agenda day by day. Doing this will allow you to start the day with a plan and commitment. And, writing will be much easier.

5. Divide the writing process

You can break the process of writing a post or sales copy into several small tasks. You don’t have to do everything at the same time; remember the Pomodoro method.

Then, you can take into account how the content is divided. If it is a blog post, the basic structure includes the title, headings, first paragraph, body text, and final paragraph. At the same time, a sales copy includes the value proposition, a list, testimonials, and maybe Q&A.

In addition, for copywriting, you will need the idea, research, a draft, proofreading, editing, and formatting.

By having each step separate, you’ll be able to move forward bit by bit. And, writing won’t become so tedious.

6. Take advantage of the division of the process

As we have just mentioned, you can cut your texts into tasks. But, you can also separate them by days if the project allows you to do so. This way, if you are not writing, your brain is still thinking about the content. This is a fuzzy thinking model when you let your mind work freely.

This will help you get fresh ideas. So, if your project allows, you can leave the writing to be done in several days, this will increase your creativity, and you will be able to improve your content.

7. Have a writing ritual


If you struggle to start writing or are a professional procrastinator, the best thing to do is establish a writing ritual. Follow a few steps to get you in the right frame of mind to start writing. Rituals work because they serve to motivate you and boost your confidence. You’ve probably seen how athletes follow certain rituals before taking the field or starting a competition, and you can do the same.

There is no magic formula for a ritual, and each person has to establish their own according to their preferences. For example, you can get up, make coffee, turn on the computer, and set the timer to start writing. It should not be something so complicated either; simple tasks will work for you.

8. Avoid wasting time looking for information

Effective project management is crucial, and it involves dividing your project into different phases, including thorough research. As you embark on the writing process, it’s ideal to have most, if not all, of your established sources at hand. However, there may be instances where you realize a missing source in the middle of your text, leaving you in a predicament.

Instead of resorting to time-consuming methods such as checking your bookmarks, Evernote, Google, or other apps, which can eat away at valuable work time and potentially impede your progress, consider a more efficient approach. One strategy is to leave a note in the text, creating a marker that indicates the need to revisit that specific section. By doing so, you can continue writing without interruption. Once you have completed your writing session, you can then dedicate focused time to find the missing information, including exploring valuable techniques on how to find a ghostwriter, if that aligns with your project’s requirements.

9. Build bridges for the next day

This means that you stop your tasks when you still have energy and leave the pending things for the next day. You can stop every afternoon or evening and decide what you will write about the next day, and this can go on the agenda or calendar. This way, you will have a place to start every morning.

You can, for example, leave the title of the next day’s post written down. And, maybe when you wake up, you will have a better idea and change it. The idea is that each day has a connection with the next.

10. Don’t leave unfinished work

Something that works against your productivity is leaving texts in the middle, unfinished projects. Therefore, before abandoning a topic and starting a new article, consider why you started writing, what you liked about that topic and why you thought your readers would like it.

Try to regain interest in that topic and find the good things in the text you started to write. Maybe you won’t return to it in the same way, but it will serve as a basis for a new one. This way, you won’t waste time.

11. Don’t always write fast


It’s not about writing fast for the sake of writing fast, but about being productive in doing so, writing good texts in the shortest possible time. If you want to write fast all the time, this may end up damaging your rhythm.

Try to write at 90% of your possibilities and avoid distractions to improve the speed and quality of your texts.

12. Consistency in writing

Every human activity can become a habit, and your work as a copywriter can be one too. Just set daily goals; for example, write at least 100 words every day. Or write at least one hour a day. Those habits will help you feel better and more confident.

Don’t be too ambitious; create goals you can reach. And always read your content out loud when you finish. Then edit and optimize your web content.

By putting into practice these tricks to write faster, you will be able to improve your productivity as a copywriter. You set goals, avoid procrastination, and choose the topics you want to work on. What do you do to write better? What apps do you prefer to avoid distractions? Let us know.