What Can Invisalign Do For You


We are living in a world full of different advancements that provide us easier life in every aspect. When it comes to straightening your teeth, you can find many different options and choose the one that will suit you the most. Having a beautiful smile is something that we all wish to have. Not only that we are feeling more beautiful, but with a perfect smile our self-esteem and confidence are also improved.

Straightening your teeth by the Invisalign method is generally one of the most popular options and it will surely provide you with what you are looking for. The popularity of the Invisalign method is so wide since it is the only option that does not include brackets or wires. With this treatment, you can get so many different benefits such as comfort, flexibility, a perfect smile, and many more that you are going to find in this article. But first, let’s see some of the most common questions regarding this innovative method, so you can create a clear picture of what it represents.

What Can Invisalign Do For You?


Invisalign is the term that is used for invisible braces. This treatment is used to help people straighten their teeth in the most discreet and comfortable way. This is a way more advanced method that uses traditional metal braces. With the Invisalign method, you are going to have a chance to straighten your teeth without the need to go constantly to tighten your wires, and elastic brands, or to experience any type of visual change. If you are doubting whether the Invisalign treatment is right for you, we prepared a lot of different information that will help you make the decision.

Can this treatment Fix the Crowding problem?


One of the many advantages of this treatment is that Invisalign can fix the crowding of your teeth. Many people are having a problem with crowded teeth and there could be different causes for this. For instance, you may be losing too early your baby teeth, maybe you have abnormally shaped teeth, or something else. By applying constant gentle pressure that you are not going to feel, Invisalign will help you align your teeth perfectly. By moving each tooth gently, you are going to have more space in your mouth and as a result, your teeth will be adequately aligned.

Can this treatment Fix problems with Gaps?


Another benefit of the Invisalign method is that it can help fix the gaps. For those who do not understand this term, gaps represent the empty space between two or more teeth. People that are having this space between their teeth can face many different difficulties such as food getting stuck between them. As researches show, Invisalign can be one of the most effective and quick solutions to this problem.

Can this treatment help you to Move Molars?

In case you are having trouble with molars, Invisalign can move them. Molars can be very hard to move or straighten with traditional braces. Additionally, it can cause a lot of pain. Therefore, you can opt for the Invisalign method and move molars more effectively without experiencing any type of pain.

Can This treatment help you Correct the Bite?


One of the main questions that people are also asking is whether Invisalign can correct their bite and the answer is positive. In fact, this is the main reason why people are open to trying the Invisalign method and effectively correcting their bite. Correcting a bite is generally necessary since it can damage teeth and cause pain when chewing.

Should you wear It only At Night?

Invisalign should be worn almost all the time, not only during the night when you are sleeping. You can take it out when you are eating, drinking, washing, or flossing your teeth. However, as you are wearing it, you will get your wanted results faster.

Will it Affect Your Speech?

You should not worry about whether the Invisalign can affect your speech. You will get used to it very fast and easily.

You are getting the benefit of the invisible appearance

Invisalign trays are completely invisible. In fact, they come with characteristics that are completely clear, so no one will even notice that you are having them. Invisalign will not affect your smile at all, so you can be completely confident when you wear it. This is especially beneficial for teens and adults that do not want to wear braces and wires that others can see.

You will enjoy high comfort

If you decide on this option, you can be completely sure that you are going to feel very comfortable while wearing Invisalign since they are created of smooth and gentle plastic. They are a way greater option than the traditional metal braces. They are custom-made to suit perfectly to every individual.

You will save you a lot of time

One more benefit that you are going to like when it comes to wearing Invisalign is the fact that you are going to spend way less time at the dentist’s office. This is because you will need to maintain them every six weeks. Some other traditional options that provide teeth straightening can take a lot more time and more dental’s appointments.

You will Enjoy Safe and Removable Features

Your everyday life with Invisalign will be highly-quality since you can remove easily Invisalign whenever you need to. That means that when it is time to brush your teeth or eat or to go on some event, or go exercising, you can remove your Invisalign easily and effectively in a couple of seconds.

You are getting better Dental Health


Conducted studies are showing that straight teeth are better for your dental health. You will eliminate every single problem that you are having including crowded teeth or gaps which will make the whole procedure of taking for your teeth much easier. With great dental health, you are positively affecting your overall health.

You will have beautifully Straight Teeth

Finally, after you see the results of wearing the Invisalign, you will be amazed at how beautiful and straightened your teeth are. Best of all, you are going to be so proud of your new wonderful smile and boost your confidence.


After you read the wide range of benefits that Invisalign can bring to you, you can be free to consult with the great GuelphFamilyDentistry and take a first step that will lead you to have perfect teeth and wonderful smile.