What are the Best User Experience Design Firms in SF?

Img source: gxacademy.com

San Francisco—one of the technology hubs in the U.S. along with Los Angeles, New York, and Boston. This means that San Francisco has a bustling user interface and user experience (UI and UX) design scene. With too many tech companies saturating the Bay Area, it is just logical that a lot of entrepreneurs would set their eyes on a sunnier counterpart of San Francisco. The area is, of course, Los Angeles, the home of Tinder, SpaceX, and Snap, among others. It is also the home of some of the top schools in the country: Caltech, USC, and UCLA.

Some of the best UX/UI design companies are already in SF. To find the best UX/UI design firms, follow this site. In SF, here are the top reviewed design firms:

WANDR: UX agency that explores, creates and delivers

Img source: wandr.studio

The company prides itself for employing people of different cultures, which explains its versatile design portfolio. The company doesn’t require people to go to its San Francisco office and be cooped up in a cubicle for eight hours a day. Instead, the company arranges a unique remote vetting process when hiring employees while keeping internal communication open. This gives employees the freedom to be more creative. As a result, they are also a happier bunch. That happiness transcends to their designs as clients have verbalized their satisfaction with WANDR’s various design outputs. Despite the agency’s remote employees, among the better feedbacks from clients was that WANDR’s development team was top-notch at communicating. The design firm was also able to incorporate all the client’s inputs into the design process.

Communication is really important between a client and the UX design company. Communication, after all, is the key to a great user experience design. The application design, on the outset, should already convey what the client’s website is about. More importantly, it should be a user-centered design because a complex procedure is one of the easiest ways to lose a client.

CreateApe: Connecting brands with people

Img source: YouTube

This creative digital agency has been doing UX/UI design work for over 15 years. The company’s goal is to provide personalized solution-based service to its clients with a smile. It also boasts of high-profile clientele: Bank of America, Sony, American Express, among others. With a decade and a half of experience under its belt, CreateApe has amassed a versatile repertoire. This just goes to show that the digital agency, despite being ahead of the game, continues to be innovative so as to grow its client list no matter the field. The agency received a pat on the back for enhancing brand image.

Businesses want to design firms that are innovative because technology is continually changing while software development is also evolving. This means that trends are always shifting, hence, the ability to adapt and upgrade are very important among design firms.

Swenson He: Consulting firm specializing in mobile app

Img source: blog.swensonhe.com

The firm impresses with its design, provides software tools, and consistently gives out important technical insights. It can revitalize a previously dying project, and in some cases, attracts investors even before the site goes live. That is how creative and proactive the firm is with its software development and design work. The company believes in providing clients with a mobile app that serves while also looking appealing—functional and exquisite, in other words. Having a centered design is definitely a priority for the firm.

Technology has become a very important part of this generation’s life—from individuals to companies and organizations. Businesses have no other recourse but to adapt. However, despite technology running a lot of people’s lives and organizations’ operations, having a user-friendly service design is still very important. People and organizations don’t need and don’t have the time for complications. Simplified design outputs are essential for businesses.

Kind+Human: UI/UX design agency that turns ideas into reality

Img source: blog.prototypr.io

This digital agency has a passion that drives it to revolutionize ideas into powerful concepts that create opportunities. The firm doesn’t do shortcuts. It creates a design then tests it with a core of experts in order to provide the best design output. This way, the client will be able to attract possible investors with service design. Testing is important because it is a way to spot imperfection and imbalance early on.

Having the foresight to test designs to an audience only shows how perfectionist the digital agency is. Feedbacks from clients were also positive with one stating that demonstrations allowed for collaborations to be more effective.

Wire Media: Tells stories and inspires action

Img source: wiremedia.net

This firm aims to tell a story in every design it puts forth. Wire Media believes that appealing to emotions is the best way to prosper. The design firm specializes in institutions like universities, non-profit organizations, and companies that focus on social service. It should be noted though that stories that Wire Media project in their designs are based on facts as the firm expertly does data visualization. The content is not a mere dramatic story-telling of emotionally touching events but a strategy to drive action.

The firm’s clients have raved about the enthusiastic response over Wire Media’s UI designs that empower an organization’s cause. Not only were the designs informative and emotionally moving, but they were also user-friendly, which is essential in every design output.

These five favored UI/UX design firms have certainly changed the world of design. They have kept the UI/UX design scene in San Francisco active and highly competitive. They are shaping the UI/UX design future of Los Angeles, which is giving San Francisco a run for its money in terms of the digital design landscape. As the digital design matures, the world of web design continues to evolve. This means that more opportunities will open up in the field of UI and UX design. Those opportunities translate to better creativity and more job openings for designers. Not only will the opportunities provide food for the table for the people actively involved in the UI and UX design, but it will also create an influx of design trends that could only make the world a more beautiful and tech-friendly place to be in.