4 Warning Signs You May have Seasonal Depression


The easiest way to describe depression to someone not familiar with this topic is as a mood change that creates a lot of difficulties for a person. It comes together with physical disorders, and the problem it produces is usually preventing a person from functioning normally both at work and in social life. Many people still do not consider depression as a serious disorder, which is wrong for many reasons, and if not treated accordingly, it can progress even further and lead to severe problems. Depressed people have a pessimistic belief of the future, a negative interpretation of the past, and a negative view of themselves. This mood differs significantly from the normal grief caused by some loss because there is no real stressor. It must take longer than two weeks for a diagnosis to be made, but speaking about seasonal depression, it is a special type of depression that is usually becoming worse during the fall and winter. It is usual that shortening of the day affects everybody’s mood, but if that is changing the quality of normal daily activities, it can be a sign of seasonal depression.


There are few theories on how this disorder occurs, from the length of the day to the hormonal disorders. Summer depression does not occur with the shortening of the day, so this theory is not something we can seriously consider, but it is still the most famous. On the other hand, we can successfully treat winter depression with simple methods such as exposure to light, and to learn more about how to overcome and get the needed help for winter depression. If you think that there is a danger that you have any kind of this disorder, it is very important to consult a doctor in time. In this text, you can learn more about warning signs, but it should be just informational and, the doctor should have the last word.

1. Sleeping problems and low energy


Sleep problems are closely connected to all types of depression, including seasonal ones. Insomnia and sudden awakening during the night usually occur when someone has summer depression, while in winter depression, hypersomnia is present. We all know how crucial sleep is to our overall well-being and when our body cannot rest properly, all that lead to further problems. Sleep problems are causing chronic fatigue, and it can disrupt the functioning of the whole organism. All this can affect our whole life in many ways, especially its quality, and a tired body can lead to many diseases that can even be fatal in the end. The sleep problems are also leading to low energy and lack of it in some regular activities during the day.

2. Appetite


The other thing that is most affected by depression is an appetite. Not every difference indicates depression, but it is almost impossible to be depressed without any change. Poor appetite is characteristic of summer depression, and it can often be misplaced with other eating disorders, which is why consulting a doctor and therapist is always recommended. When there is a loss of appetite, people can lose a lot of weight in a short time, which is dangerous by itself, and it is impossible not to be noticed. On the other side, eating problems with the winter depression is totally the opposite. What is most likely to happen during winter for those who suffer from seasonal depression is overeating and craving food rich in carbohydrates. Of course, this is also something impossible not to notice since the result is gaining some weight. As a result, people often feel ashamed and have trouble losing that added weight and getting in their previous shape.

3. Repetitive thoughts of suicide

One thing that most people will instantly think of when talking about depression, in general, is a suicide, and although it is a serious problem, it doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone who suffers from any kind of depression will even consider something like that – far from it. But, depressed people can often think about suicide, and this is also the case with seasonal depression. It is pretty difficult for them to find a solution for their condition, and they think that life has no meaning, and they see that as the only way out. Unfortunately, in many cases, this can happen, so it is very important to take it seriously and find someone to talk about all that in time. Even if it is something you think no one would understand, if there is anything bothering you, find the right person to talk to, a therapist, and you would be surprised with the understanding and the outcome. Sometimes support is as significant as professional help, so never underestimate it. If you need help, just ask for it, and if you think that someone around you needs it, try to talk to that person because it may help.

4. Selfisolating

Although the word isolation along with lockdown was the word of the last year, in this case, self-isolating has no connection with the pandemic, and people with seasonal depression often tend to be alone. It is a pretty usual thing, and those with this condition have a great desire to be home, or somewhere they feel happy, but with no one else around. We all need a break sometimes, but if this frequently happens, in most cases, it is a sign that you should consult the specialist about the reasons for those feelings. Humans are social beings, and like that, we need to talk and be around others.


With everything mentioned above, it is pretty clear that seasonal depression is nothing to ignore, and although there are many signs that one may suffer from it, these are some of the most usual ones. Of course, there could be other possibilities, and one doesn’t necessarily have this condition if there is a lack of appetite or if having trouble sleeping, but if something like that is frequent, then you should always try to find the cause for all that, and deal with it in time.