The Importance of Rekeying Your Locks in the Property

Have you experienced someone breaking into your home while everyone was asleep? It is a worry that every homeowner feels when their security is not tight, or their keys get lost or stolen.

When you constantly feel unsafe in your home, calling a locksmith to render their services is the best thing you can do. There are various ways to tighten your security at home, and one of them is rekeying. When your locksmith rekeys your locks, you will get a new set of keys with better security. It is a quick and easy procedure that helps upgrade your safety at home.

What is Lock Rekeying

Rekeying refers to changing the locking mechanism of a security system. However, the process of replacement is not as complicated as the standard lock changing service. According to the experts from, compared to modern locks, rekeying is similar to changing the passcodes on your accounts. Locksmiths only alter the keys’ functionality while keeping the exterior hardware intact on your doors.

When Should You Rekey Your Home Locks

Locks in residential properties should be updated at least every three years. Of course, there are several circumstances in which you should rekey your locks right away, such as the following:

  • When you buy a new house.
  • After a house burglary incident.
  • If your keys are missing or stolen.
  • Years have passed and it’s time to rekey all your home locks.

When any of the circumstances listed above occur, rekey locks as soon as possible. This will assist in keeping your home safe and secure.

When is It Impossible To Rekey Locks

If the lock is broken or very old, rekeying is not an ideal method because the lock will never be completely secure. Replacing the lock entirely is a better choice.

Rekeying is also not recommended if you prefer to do away with keys entirely. Instead, consider switching to a different type of lock that is better suited to your lifestyle.

How to Rekey a Lock


When you need to rekey your locks, your locksmith needs a matched key to perform his tasks. If your key got stolen or misplaced, you need to let them know that you have no spare one they can use for rekeying, so they could bring a picking tool.

They use the catch tool for popping the knob out of the lock set installed on your door. The spanner is for opening the knob and removing the cylinder. The follow-up tool keeps the set position of pins in place.

If you want to tighten your home’s security, let the locksmith know that it is your purpose for rekeying. They can install and program a lock cylinder with additional pins. It is what makes your locks safer from burglars and thieves.

Importance of Rekeying the Locks at Your Property

If you are thinking twice about rekeying, here are some essential things you should know about it:

1. Increases Security Level

Rekeying increases the security level of your property. If you do this regularly, you can get assured that the chance of theft or burglary on your property lessens.

If you formerly had a house worker, nanny, or partner who had access to your home, rekeying your locks is a great option to ensure your safety. People’s access through their spare keys will get revoked if you choose to rekey your locks.

When you move to a new place with previous owners or renters, ensure you get the locks rekeyed. It will also ensure they will have no chance of entering your property using their old keys.

2. It is Less Costly

When you encounter a security breach, your two primary options are rekeying or a complete upgrade of your lock system. The cost of the former is significantly lower than the latter because of the parts that need replacement. In changing a lock, all components of it need to get changed, from the knob to the key. When you choose to rekey, only the lock cylinder and the key get replaced.

3. It is Convenient

Rekeying your locks is relatively more convenient than changing the whole mechanism.

When you get your lock rekeyed, it can only take a few minutes per cylinder, but changing the whole mechanism takes more time because there are more parts to remove and install, like the lever or knob, latch, and cylinder. There are instances when locksmiths have to drill or cut a portion of the door to fit the new lock.

Also, you may opt to rekey some locks on your property using the same cylinder. You will only need a master key to open each door when they get locked accidentally. It will lessen the time in finding the correct key for a specific lock.

4. Helps Retain Original Hardware

If your property has a unique and vintage lock, rekeying is the best way to preserve their beauty while tightening your security and improving the functionality of the devices. Also, if your lock system’s hardware is unique, you may not easily find similar ones on the market when your security is compromised, and you want to change it. In this situation, rekeying is your best option.

5. Solves Lost or Stolen Keys Issue

Lost or stolen keys are some of the main problems of homeowners with traditional and mechanical locks. Call a locksmith immediately if you encounter this issue because it can compromise your security.

Rekeying the locks of your home will prevent anyone who has gotten your key from breaking in. It is a proactive decision that every homeowner should know about because it can save their lives and the valuables they have inside the home.

Key Takeaway

Rekeying locks on your property brings many benefits to your security. It is an excellent alternative to changing locks entirely because of its convenience. It only takes a few minutes when you call an experienced locksmith. When you have limited time but need to ensure that your property gets safeguarded, rekeying is your best option.