3 Reasons You Never Win Online Competitions & Prizes


How many times did you participate in online competitions? How many times did you want to get that prize on the internet and still nothing? Well, many people can’t answer this question right! We’ll advise you on things to pay attention to so you can win competitions next time.

It isn’t easy to tell you right away. You’ll need to explore. Many competitions are based on certain algorithms. We’re all acknowledged with applications that work on the principle of intelligent algorithms. Those applications are used to pull a name out of many and display it to the user. They do it randomly! So, imagine the chance of winning a competition based on that algorithm.


Not giving yourself enough chances

Facebook, Instagram, and other similar applications have people around who post giveaways all the time. Everyone knows at least one person doing that.

Posting giveaways isn’t for humanitarian purposes. Famous people or pages on social networks want attention, not only from the people who follow them but from the friends of those people who may not be following them. Sharing that giveaway can get them more likes and followers as well.

Participating in only one or two competitions isn’t enough. You’ve probably participated in one competition, exited it right away, and kept scrolling down. Those pages or persons are about to host many, many giveaways in the future so you should follow them, seek out the next one.


Entering a competition requires submitting correct details. You must enter your name, email, phone number, maybe something additional. We know how it can be bad to enter your details and wait for that email confirmation, but you don’t get any and realizing you entered the wrong one.. and there’s no way back! This is probably the worst feeling in the world. So, make sure you check your details once again before clicking the “Next” button, anywhere, anytime. Remember rule number one.


Competitions on social media are a little bit different. You don’t need to enter your details and do so many steps to enter a competition, it’s a kind of more informal thing than competitions on websites. Still, there are rules to follow. Verified Instagram or Facebook accounts can post links leading to their websites and a competition’s application. Other accounts and pages inform about competition rules right on their story or a post. Read rules well, they lead you to the winning prize! Competitions run on Instagram and Facebook often don’t require too many details or information but require you to tag a few friends, share their post or story, and comment it as well. They get popularity, and in return, you get a prize.

Not Persistent

We do things that entertain us, such as playing video games, watching a movie, scrolling social media, or things like that. We still have twenty or thirty minutes to spend exploring the internet. What does it mean? You can search Google and try to find competitions. We agree it doesn’t take more than ten to twenty minutes, yeah? We want to win something, even if it’s a microwave – it’s still a free microwave, isn’t it? It can be useful, we’re sure.

So, spend ten to twenty minutes daily if you want to enter competitions and raise your win rate. That’s not the only thing you need to do while searching for the right competition, but it’s the starter pack, you know? You need to start from somewhere, try this one then.

Another factor you need to know about is competition entries. There are low and high entries. It’s up to you which one you choose to compete in, but don’t forget this:

Observing low entry competitions, they are probably the most winnable competitions, but they’re hard to find out there. Not so many have those available all the time.

Low entry competitions are the competitions where you can win 50 notebooks or 20 t-shirts because there is a chance of having two or three winners at the same time, and if not, there’s still a chance you can win low stake competition.

High entry competitions are the competitions where you can win a car, a big TV or things such as these. Hmm, if you’re not someone who has many followers.. well, there’s very little chance that you can win the competition because social media giveaways seek for people with many followers so they can advertise. Don’t keep off those competitions either, try them, but don’t expect too much from them.

If you ever consider having a good win rate and maybe spending few dollars on that, visit https://buyvotespoll.com/

Their experts will help you increase your win rate. And yes, they will compete on any website, social media page, or account, don’t worry about it. Everything you need to worry about is providing the correct and real information so they can take care of the rest.

Are those competitions even real?

Some people didn’t want to keep going on with competitions once they’ve asked themselves this question as well.

Let’s say that it depends on many factors.

Many pages or websites release their winners publicly. It means that names are released and exposed to the public so they all can check the validity of the competition. For example, Instagram pages release their winner by tagging them in the end so you can click on that nametag and check if it’s a real person (account). Some websites require winners to send them a picture of the prize in the background so that’s another way of proving to people it’s a valid competition.


On the other side, some websites or pages are suspicious about their validity. How come? They need followers and they just host a giveaway so you compete and follow their accounts on social media while thinking it’s a good one, but it isn’t. They can pull a random name out and say it’s the winner while no one with that name doesn’t exist, they don’t even tag anyone, so be aware.

Explore, go through comments and see if it’s worth a chance.