Learning Better with Kids Videos in Digital Classrooms


There is no counter-argument to the fact that digital learning is beneficial for students, starting from the very early age itself. Many educational institutions are now using the method of 1:1 radio in student-to-device for individualized tech-fostered learning. There are collaborative learning environments, interactive sessions, student response clickers, etc. used for effective learning. When teachers are able to incorporate these technologies effectively into teaching, the learning experience becomes more enjoyable to kids, and the outcomes improve. Kids videos to play a vital role in learning from the early classes itself

Digital classrooms now largely rely on videos. For many decades now, research has revealed the benefits of using it in classrooms. With better technology now, usage of digital videos has skyrocketed with many benefits around.


Rise of videos on digital classroom

As we can see, our lives have changed rapidly over the last couple of decades with the developments happening in the information technology industry. In the last couple of decades of the twentieth century and the first one and a half-decade of the 21st century, we have seen more development in terms of technology than the entire history. The pace of technology is much faster now.

Information technology-based education is no exception to this technology revolution. The layout of traditional classrooms, methods for teaching, and ideas about learning syllabus have changed largely. There is a rapid change in the sense of urgency lately, and the modern-day educators are now striving to explore more learning environments to keep along with this pace. With this, kids videos help students to prepare and contribute effectively towards the social and economic development of the world in the future. 

Usages of videos for learning


All teachers agree to the fact that video-based learning can increase student engagement and responsiveness than lecture sessions. A survey had shown that about 63% of the teachers believe video classes increase the quality of teaching. With digital video-based learning, students:

  • Effectively work together.
  • Developing better problem-solving ability and critical thinking skills.
  • They get motivated to learn new things.
  • They tend to take more ownership of learning.

Students ranging from pre-school classes to higher education all agree to the fact that video-based learning is more enjoyable to them and help them understand things better.

Benefits of video-based learning


As we have seen, instructors use videos more effectively now in teaching. In the digital classrooms now, videos offer many benefits like:

  • Facilitating cognitive thinking and problem solving
  • Fosters an engaging culture to master the art of learning
  • Inspired students and effectively engage them.
  • Offer a more individualized learning experience.
  • Develop learner autonomy.
  • Offers a more authentic and globalized learning opportunity.

They also help empower and inspire little kids beyond just gaining their attention. In many cases, videos can also act as an alternative to the instructor to communicate the facts and figures to the students by demonstrating the procedures. Through videos, a student can view and learn even the clinical mechanical or clinical procedures as many times they want, and whenever they want to see it.