How Long Does It Take To Install a Smart Shower?


Installing a smart shower can bring convenience, comfort, and energy savings to your daily routine. However, before you embark on this upgrade, you might wonder: how long does it take to install a smart shower? The answer to this question depends on several factors, which we will explore in this article.

Factors Affecting the Installation Time


Installing a smart shower can bring convenience, comfort, and energy savings to your daily routine. With the latest advancements in technology, they have become more accessible and affordable for homeowners who want to upgrade their showering experience. Smart showers offer a range of features that can bring convenience, comfort, and energy savings to your daily routine.

They can be controlled remotely through a smartphone app or a voice assistant, allowing you to start or stop the shower and adjust the temperature and flow rate from anywhere in your home. This feature is particularly useful on cold winter mornings when you want to start the shower before getting out of bed or when you are running late and need to adjust the shower quickly.

In addition to convenience, smart showers also offer improved comfort. With precise temperature and flow control, you can customize your shower experience to your liking. Some smart showers also offer pre-set shower routines that can be tailored to your preferences, such as a relaxing spa-like shower or a quick refreshing shower to start your day.

Many models feature built-in sensors that monitor water usage and temperature, allowing you to conserve water and energy. Some models also include features like eco-mode, which reduces water flow while maintaining a comfortable shower experience, and automatic shut-off, which turns off the shower after a set time to prevent water waste.

Smart showers are available in a variety of styles and finishes to suit any bathroom decor. Some models also offer additional features, such as built-in speakers, LED lighting, and aromatherapy dispensers, to enhance your showering experience.

Type of Smart Shower

The type of smart shower you choose will affect the building time. There are two main types of smart showers: retrofit kits and complete systems. Retrofit kits are designed to replace your existing showerhead and work with your existing plumbing. They typically come with a digital controller that attaches to the wall and may require some basic plumbing skills to install. On the other hand, complete smart shower systems are more comprehensive and may include multiple showerheads, body sprays, and other components. They may also require additional plumbing and electrical work, which can increase the building time.

Existing Plumbing and Electrical Setup


The state of your existing plumbing and electrical setup can also affect the installation time. If your pipes and fixtures are in good condition and up to code, the establishing process may be straightforward. However, if your plumbing is outdated, damaged, or not compatible with the smart shower system, you may need to hire a plumber to make the necessary changes, which can add time and cost to the installation. Similarly, if your electrical wiring is inadequate or not up to code, you may need to hire an electrician to establish new wiring or upgrade your electrical system, which can also add time and cost to the installation.

The Complexity of the Installation

The complexity of the installation will also affect the estimated establishing time. If your existing plumbing and electrical systems are in good condition and compatible with the smart shower system, the establishing process may be relatively straightforward. However, if your existing systems need to be modified or upgraded to accommodate the new system, the building may take longer.

Personal Skill Level

Your personal skill level and experience with plumbing and electrical work can also impact the establishing time. If you have experience with these tasks and feel comfortable doing them yourself, you may be able to seat a smart shower more quickly than someone who has little to no experience. However, if you’re not comfortable with these tasks or don’t have the necessary tools, it’s best to hire a professional installer, which can add time and cost to the seating.

Estimated Installation Time


Based on the factors above, the estimated establishing time can range from a few hours to several days. Here are some general estimates for different types:

Retrofit Smart Shower 

A retrofit smart battery is a type that is designed to replace your existing showerhead without requiring any major plumbing or electrical work. It is a simple and cost-effective way to upgrade your shower and enjoy the benefits of smart technology. Retrofit smart flurries typically come with a digital controller that attaches to the wall and allows you to control the water temperature, flow rate, and other features. Some retrofits may also include additional components, such as body sprays and handheld showerheads. The seating process for a retrofit is generally straightforward and can be completed in 1-2 hours, depending on your personal skill level and the tools you have available. If you are looking for an easy way to upgrade your shower and enjoy the convenience of smart technology, a retrofit smart shower may be a good option for you.

Complete Smart Shower System 

A complete system can take 4-8 hours or more to establish, depending on the complexity of the system and the existing plumbing and electrical setup. This involves removing your existing hail fixtures and replacing them with the smart battery system, which may include multiple showerheads, body sprays, and a digital controller. You may also need to seat new electrical wiring or upgrade your plumbing to accommodate the system.

Hiring a Professional Installer


If you are considering installing a smart battery in your home, hiring a professional can save you time and ensure that the establishment is done correctly and safely. Here are some factors to consider when hiring a professional installer:

Credentials and Experience

When looking for a professional, it is important to check their credentials and experience. Look for ones who are licensed, insured, and experienced in seating these systems. You can ask for references and check online reviews to get an idea of their work quality and customer service.


The cost of hiring a professional can vary depending on several factors, such as the type, the complexity, and the installer’s rates. Before hiring an expert, it is important to get a written estimate of the total cost, including any additional fees or charges.

Warranty and Guarantees

Make sure to ask the installer about their warranty and guarantees. A reputable expert should offer a warranty on their work and guarantee that the establishing will be done correctly and up to code.

Communication and Professionalism

A professional installer should be easy to communicate with and responsive to your questions and concerns. They should also be punctual, respectful, and keep your home clean and tidy during the process.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Installer


Hiring a professional installer can offer several benefits, such as:

  1. Peace of mind that the establishment is done correctly and safely.
  2. Time and cost savings, as professionals have the necessary tools and experience to complete the installation quickly and efficiently.
  3. Access to expert advice and guidance on choosing the right smart shower system for your needs and budget.
  4. Protection against damage or accidents, as experts are insured and liable for any damages that may occur during the process.


Installing a smart shower can be a great upgrade for your bathroom, but it’s important to understand the factors that can impact the time. Whether you choose a retrofit smart shower or a complete smart battery system, be prepared for the process to take several hours or more. If you’re not comfortable with the process, it’s best to hire a professional installer to ensure that your smart shower is installed correctly and safely.