Understanding My iCloud and Security Management


“The Cloud”, a phrase made popular in the 2010s as technology rapidly grows and more services are moving over to being web-based. iCloud is an amazing way for users to be able to create extra storage, sync photos, documents, movies, and more. But with so many functions, you have most likely barely scratched the surface of its capabilities!

With this, we’re going to find out how to maximize the value of my iCloud and secure your information.

What Is My iCloud?


iCloud is a cloud-based storage system created by Apple to help make sure that all your devices and Apple-related information can be consolidated under a single system. While this might be a difficult concept to grasp, think of it as all Apple information/data under your account, regardless of your device. You will most likely create an iCloud account when you set up your initial Apple ID, so you can check whether or not your iCloud is activated at www.icloud.com.


One major benefit of having my iCloud set up is the ability to keep all my photos up to date and securely stored. iCloud allows photos you take on all devices (iPad, iPhone, Mac, etc.) to be saved in a centralized database account. Whether you accidentally delete a photo, or you get a new device, the iCloud will make sure that your photos are safe and secure.

The iCloud photos also ensure that if you run out of storage on your current local device – a problem that we face all too frequently – you can free up space without permanently deleting those memories. My iCloud account has allowed me to create space on my own personal phone, store memories from years past, and even allow me to collaborate with friends on contributing towards photo albums!



Have you ever needed to send a document for work that is on your laptop, but you’re currently out grabbing a bite to eat? Well, now there is no need to scarf down that sandwich and run back to your desk! With iCloud, files are easier than ever to access across all devices, enabling you to share from your phone, tablet, or other computer.

iCloud will automatically sync all documents that I create on my Mac, iPad, or iPhone, and save them into the central cloud. From here, you will be able to access any of these documents across all of your devices. Utilizing this feature will help you be more productive and connected with the documents you need, all the time.


The handoff between doing work on a computer and opening our phone to reply to messages can cause us to become distracted and unproductive in the progress that we make. However, iCloud allows your messages across all devices to become synchronized! Think about messaging apps like Slack operate. If you are signed into your account on any device through the app, you can view and respond to all of your messages with ease. You’ll never miss a beat. iCloud works the same way, but you don’t need an app to do it.

My iCloud messages that I receive on my cell phone can now be opened on my computer, allowing me to have a new option and channel to respond to messages that I may not see on my phone. Not only does this eliminate those distracting “phone checks”, but it also makes sure that we do not reply to any urgent messages late while focusing.

iCloud Keychain


The issue of forgetting passwords that may be saved on your phone, but not your computer (or vice versa) is one that might be all too familiar to many of us – but iCloud now solves this issue with iCloud Keychain. On my iCloud Keychain, all of my personal passwords that I save on my Apple devices are encrypted and safely stored to use on other devices as well.

No need to write down all of your passwords in a journal or scour your notes app to find where they are; just a touch of a button is all you need to protect, save, and use your passwords, credit card information, and more. Simplicity is key to ensure proper security measures are taken.

While these are just a few key functionalities of iCloud, you can leverage these tools to become a much more productive version of yourself. With how connected our life is with technology, we should simplify as much as we can when possible. And now, iCloud offers these capabilities.

Password Security Management


While iCloud Keychain can save your passwords for you, proper security management requires that you use a password manager. Covve is providing the following steps to protect yourself from data breaches, which there were over 1,400 of in 2019 alone, you need to safeguard your passwords to all accounts.

A password manager empowers you to quickly create strong passwords, which you can store in your iCloud Keychain to fill in login information easily. You can also securely manage your credentials all inside one app, simplifying the whole ordeal.

Steps to set up a password manager:

  1. Find a password manager that fits your needs

There are free, open source options available or you can opt for a popular, subscription service. Enterprise options exist if you are looking for a password manager for your organization.

  1. Download the password manager app on your phone and browser extension to your computer

The advantage of using a password manager is that you can easily fill in login information for online accounts. With the app downloaded or the browser extension installed, you can keep all of your passwords synced among devices.

  1. Create and store strong passwords

With the password manager installed, you can create and store complex passwords, security questions, and sensitive information you want securely stored. Most password managers allow you to create strong passwords for accounts that currently have weak ones with a single click.

For businesses, make sure the company’s servers are password protected as well. Unprotected servers are one of the most common causes of data breaches.