HSTS is the New Security Measure by Google.com Domain

Google Montreal

HTTP Strict Transport Security HSTS should now be offered by any URL you visit. Whatever the content of a site, it should be secure. Whatever website is still on HTTP should change; at least the owners of such sites should consider we are in an era where cyber-attacks are the order of the day.

Google.com is taking the security of its visitors a notch higher. The world most popular domain is implementing HTTP Strict Transport Security, which is more secure than HTTPS and HTTP. The new technology is now live on Google.com. Analysts anticipate that the new technology should start paying off sooner than later.

Jay Brown, the Senior Technical Program Manager Security at Google said that “We are taking a further step to solidify how we encrypt data on transit by using HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) on our domain, www.google.com. HSTS is the best technology in ensuring that users do not unintentionally open HTTP URLs as it automatically converts the insecure HTTP URLs to the secure HTTPS URLs. Users may still access URLs in the HTTP format by manually typing HTTP URLs in their browser or by clicking on HTTP URLs from other websites other than Google.”

According to Brown, data encryption ascertains that that web traffic from users is secure. Google is excited that they have implemented the HSTS protocol. The company assures that it will apply the security protocol in other domains and all of its products soon.

Implementing the HSTS protocol will take some time; it is not as easy as flipping a switch. Last year, Google tried the protocol on Google’s Santa Tracker. The Santa Tracker became temporarily disabled and almost ended the highly-anticipated Christmas app during the holiday season. After what happened that time, it only beats logic that Google will be slow in implementing the security protocol in its products. This time, the company surely wants to do it right and avoid costly mistakes.

Over the recent past, Google has turned its focus on the security and safety of its products. Do these efforts increase your confidence in Google’s products?