6 How to Be Warm and Cozy This Winter


The winter is coming, judging by the climate and the calendar. Regardless of the weather forecast, we must be ready for winter. However, we are facing an energy crisis, so it is not easy for many – because we are advised to save energy from all sides. So how to warm up and stay cozy this winter? Maybe you should try out some of these creative suggestions.

Staying Warm During Winter Time


The icy-cold days are coming – and many people are already worried. Today, many countries are facing problems caused by the energy crisis – so they are worried about how to keep warm in a situation when energy must be saved. Some people cannot stand the cold weather at all. On the other hand, it can be particularly inconvenient if, due to the nature of the job, you spend a lot of time outside. We must protect ourselves from the drop in temperature that can cause our immunity to fail – and lead to the appearance of colds and infections. Although clothes are a prerequisite for feeling warm – there are other things we can pay attention to during wintertime. That way, we can be sure that we will spend this period feeling nice and cozy.

Winter Can Be Beautiful If You Practice Some Of Our Tips

When we feel the smell of ice in the air, we know that the first snowflakes will start falling soon. We can enjoy snow and winter if we know how to do it. Therefore, make yourself a cup of tea with honey and lemon – so neither the wind nor the snow will seem so terrible! Try to keep yourself and your family warm around the neck and in your hearts – and enjoy the magic winter brings! Here are some ways you can feel warm and cozy.

1. Warm up your body with regular movement


Whether you do yoga, pilates, or some other form of fitness – don’t give up on exercise. It may be a challenge to get out in the cold and go to the gym, but it’s an effort worth it. You may hate walking to the gym in the cold – but your muscles will tighten up and strengthen with exercise. By the end of the training, you will feel warm and much more energetic than before.

2. Hot beverages are ideal

Nothing is more pleasant on a cold icy day than a cup of coffee, hot tea with honey and lemon, or hot chocolate. Treat yourself or your little ones to hot chocolate, a cup of cocoa, or brown sugar with milk (which is also a good cough medicine). Adults, in addition to tea, also enjoy mulled wine on cold days. When the temperature drops, a warm cup of your favorite beverage will warm you up. Not only does a cup of hot drink invigorate and improve mood, but research has shown that it is also beneficial for basic processes in the body. Namely, drinks such as black tea, green tea, red wine, and cocoa are very rich in antioxidants – so they protect cells from harmful effects in reactions with oxygen.

3. Get Yourself a Soft Blanket Hoodie


We all loved blankets when we were kids. Some of us even had our favorite blanket carrying it with us. Today, these soft blankets are designed as big, soft, oversized hoodies. Choose one beautiful and soft, such as Snoodie – and curl up on a couch feeling warm and cozy. These oversized hoodie blankets allow you to tuck in and get warm – but you can also walk in them, go to the kitchen and get a cup of tea or your favorite snack. That is the ideal choice during the winter when you read a book or watch your favorite movie. It is also practical to put it on when you drink the first-morning coffee, work from home, rest – or on those days when you don’t do anything.

4. Wear comfortable and layered clothes


Although we know this, we often forget about it. Layered clothes made of natural materials are always the best choice. Best to be of the fabrics such as wool and cotton – in which skin breathes. We often make typical mistakes – so we put on a thick sweater or sweatshirt instead of two thinner layers. Don’t forget to put a hat on – since a large amount of body heat releases through the head.

5. Adjust nutrition

Cold weather brings us to a new season, and our body feels that change. We function differently in winter and summer. Metabolism slows down in winter – and we are getting slower. To warm up, we spend energy to regulate the temperature – and therefore, we have less energy. That is why the food must be ‘stronger’ and more caloric. We need more ‘fuel’ – but we also need to raise our mood. Winter diet should contain hot soups, which will heat the body, support the flu and cold resistance – and regulate digestion. Also, root vegetables such as carrots and celery are ideal. With the addition of cereals or legumes, rich in proteins, fibers, and minerals, and without unnecessary calories, you have made a winning combination.

6. Hydration


Another important thing, which has nothing to do directly with the body heating the body, but it is still significant. That is hydration. During the wintertime, we often forget about water because low temperatures do not cause so much need for this precious liquid. However, water is necessary every day. We need it for the health of our cells, proper body functioning, metabolism, physiological functions, and more. Drink a minimum of six glasses of water a day, don’t wait to get thirsty because you will probably already be quite dehydrated. When you are dehydrated, the temperature of your body will decrease – which leads to an additional feeling of cold.

The Bottom Line

Like each year, winter can surprise us with its mild climate or show us its teeth. It is important to know that in addition to heating, you can do more to make the winter months cozy and feel warmed up. We hope this will help you, at least a little bit.