Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) Announces 4X Page Loading on Slow 2G for Androids


Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) has been finally successful in negating slow 2G connectivity in emerging market regions such as Indonesia, and now India.

The search engine company has now tweaked the speeds at which web pages will be rendered on devices, if the data connection of the user is very slow.

Four Times faster Page Loads

Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) claims that the new feature has been able to cut down the data consumed by nearly 80%. This therefore, hastens the page by nearly four times.

These pages are being called as faster and lighter mobile web pages. Google auto-detects slow loading web pages on 2G connections. If such is the case, then key components of the data in use to render the page will be disabled. Currently, experts believe, the programs which are being truncated are scripts of Google Analytics and a few CSS. This does not radically change the display of the web page on the user device, except that images are not included but full text of the page is displayed.

The feature which is for the Android OS platform was initially field-tested in Indonesia, in the month of April this year.

The experiment proved that the faster loading led to increase in the traffic the web pages experienced, by nearly 50%.

Web Page Optimization

Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) as part of the newer feature will transcode pages to ensure faster page delivery. Post detection of the slow connection, the Google Analytics scripts as well as CSS styling is delinked allowing optimized web page delivery.

Google Inc is expected to run this new feature in Brazil as well. This feature has thus far been successful claims Google’s in a post.

India has nearly 2000 million people accessing the internet over the mobile phone. Therefore, Google Inc has focused on making it not only faster for the users to access pages, but affordable as well.

Users retain the option to view web pages without the optimization feature as well.