Get ready for Labor – Inform Yourself

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Finding out that you are pregnant is usually the happiest moment in the entire life until you actually see your baby’s face and hold her in your arms. That is the moment of complete bliss and happiness! However, pregnancy is usually the time when women face all kinds of fears, most of which they didn’t even know existed.

Basically, every bit of food you eat will go through a filter “is this good, is it healthy, will it hurt my baby?” It is a time of emotional turmoil – the feelings of happiness, sadness, excitement and utmost fear will sometimes switch on an hour-to-hour basis. It is not easy, but it definitely worth every moment.

Information is power

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Whenever you feel insecure about anything concerning the health of your baby, focus on finding valuable and trusted information, rather than worrying. Ask your doctor about the basic guidelines that you should follow. Besides the nutrition that should be as healthy as possible, make sure you are careful not to overburden yourself throughout the day. Have plenty of rest, drink water, go for walks and surround yourself with people who support you and inspire you.

Most women will face the fear of labor at some point in their pregnancy. The important thing is to get as much information as you can about the entire process, so you can learn how to recognize the symptoms of labor on time. Every hospital has its own rules concerning the preparation of women in labor, but it all comes down to one thing – leading the woman through the entire process the best ways possible, so both the mom and the baby are happy at the end of the day.

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Hospitals usually offer antenatal classes for pregnant women who wish to learn about the contractions, the signs of labor that should appear and the ways that you can help yourself and the baby throughout the process. These classes are really helpful because besides getting familiar with the entire process, you will also be able to share your fears with the women who are in the same situation as you are and realize that quality preparation is a truly valuable experience.

Antenatal classes will teach you breathing techniques that will help you immensely when the time comes to deliver your baby. The oxygen you get when breathing deeply will help you decrease the pain during contractions helping you feel better, but it will also help the baby stay comfortable and in good shape. You should also keep in mind that every labor is unique. Every woman who had two or more laborers will tell you that, so you cannot expect that everything will go by the book. However, the important thing is to stay positive and empowered during the entire process.

Create your birth plan that you feel is the best for you, but be aware that sometimes your doctor can change it at the last minute if the situation requires it. Keep an open mind. If you are not sure if the symptoms you are feeling are the symptoms of labor, ask Your Doctors Online and inform about other women’s experiences.

Types of labor

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The most common labor is vaginal labor. It can be a natural or induced childbirth. Natural childbirth refers to the process where a woman relies on her instincts throughout the entire process. There are no medications to disrupt the signals that the woman receives, giving nature a chance to run its course. Sometimes women who opt for this type of labor, ask for the spinal anesthetic if the pain during contractions gets too intense.

Induced labor occurs when the baby is ready and your due date is passed, but for some reason, nothing happens. In this case, the doctor may give the medication so your labor can start. It is usually administered through the IV and its effects get noticeable soon, you will get into the active labor pretty fast.

The Cesarean Section is required if there is a medical reason for it or if the woman is too afraid of the vaginal delivery. In that case, the doctor may opt for the planned C-section to help the woman avoid feeling traumatized. Before the actual procedure, a woman must follow a few instructions, such as removing all the jewelry, removing the nail polish, not consuming food at least 8 hours before the procedure and being on time for the procedure.

Sometimes C-section may occur unplanned. In that case, the nurses perform all the necessary preparations. It can be performed in the local anesthesia when the woman stays conscious throughout the process, or general during which the patient is not conscious.

Listen to positive labor stories

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Encourage moms from your surroundings to tell you their positive labor experiences. Hearing someone say that it was as easy as a sneeze will surely give you confidence that you can do it too. Ask your mom how was her experience when she gave birth to you. It will certainly help you realize that moms only remember the good things about their labors. The pain comes and goes, it gets forgotten as soon as that bundle of joy comes to your arms.

The most important thing is to stay calm and positive. Listen to the medical staff and cooperate. It will make their job easier and it will also help you feel in control of your labor. The most important thing is to help the baby come into your arms safely, so respect any pain that appears, it only means that you are a step closer to meeting the love of your life. It is a natural process.

Remember, it’s been done a million times before. Even if it’s a new experience for you, trust your doctors, they know what they are doing. The calmer you are, the easier it will be. As soon as you squirm, you are actually making it harder for your body to open up and finish the process. It is the most natural thing in the world.