Firefighters Break the House Wall Down To Transport the 490kg-Women to Hospital

The firefighters from Argentina had to demolish the wall of a house in order to transport the overweight women to the hospital for treatment, according to local media. Isabella, who lives in Rosario, a place located about 340 km north of Buenos Aires, weighs 490 kilograms. The firefighters had to lift her with the entire bed and transport her using the truck provided by the Civil Defense Service.

The images of the women are presented in Argentinian Clarin, according to the French Figaro. Isabella has been living like this for years, and she cannot feel the parts of her body. Moreover, tumors appeared on her legs, due to severe problems with obesity.

“I was always obese. I left school because I was discriminated. Later on, I continued my education, so that I could become someone in my life. Today that seems impossible,” Isabella told one Argentinian newspaper.

Only eight years ago, Isabella weighed “only” 130 kilograms, which was much better than her weight today. However, she couldn’t recover after the death of her father. That period was hard for her, and she was fighting depression. Before she was taken to the Rosario hospital, she shouted: “I want to get the treatment and live!”

The Hospital management director Adrian Chaplet said: “Isabella is permanently treated and monitored, we have her last controls, there is no emergency situation in her health.” Hopefully, she will manage to overcome this and lose some weight, for starters.