Fashion blogger that makes men want to leave their women

The fashion blogger in question is Elke Life from California. She made a YouTube video for the girls that have big buttocks. Her video consists of advice for these girls on how to wear their jeans. Beside positive reaction from her female audience, she attracted the attention of male population to herself. Maybe not that much to her fashion blog but definitely to her latest video. Men from all over the world have literally lost their minds over her. Other photos that she has on Instagram are now full of comments. Some of those are full of praise and admiration while there are people who are being more judgmental.

Some of the comments that we will single out are funny more than anything else. User under the name Paul Lucas says that she is: Da*n nice. One of the best comments was: ‘After watching this video, my girlfriend became an ex.’

What’s all the fuss about look in the video below: