Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s Messy Discoveryd

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) it appears is taking it very slow with its discoveryd software. Apparently issues which developers documented/recorded did not find technical solutions forthcoming from Apple Inc. engineers as yet. The problems which were widely-reported on networking issues on OS X Yosemite and iOS 8 related to discoveryd, have not been acknowledged or ‘technical note’ issued.

Frustrated by the lack of communication from Apple’s portals developers have expressed anger against the insensitivity to offer solutions despite the errors being documented.

Interfaces in Sleep Mode

Apparently, the issue lies with networks being broken across devices, because network interfaces were disabled. The issues were complicated because the network uses 100% of the CPU while the WiFi continues to disconnect anytime. The issue is specifically to the OS version Yosemite.

Naming OS updates

Apple follows the protocol of naming its OS updates after names of places in California. Hence, the name Yosemite for the latest version it is claimed. There is some humor associated with the latest OS update. Many claim that the ‘disconnecting’ circus that it has been witnessing thus far is routine in Windows Operating System. Perhaps, Apple Inc. should revise the update to read OS X Redmond, after Microsoft Corporation’s headquarters instead of Yosemite

Beta version was tacky

Apparently the beta version of the Operating System update was thorny with several issues. Even with several issues being pointed out, in the beta stage, the roll-out was as scheduled.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) should issue a quick solution for this complex appeal developers. Many have attempted to find solutions to the disconnecting network issues on their own. They suggest that it is best to disconnect connected iOS devices, such as Apple TV, Mac and others at the same time. After disconnecting users can then go back to powering-on their Mac device, some experts recommend.