All eyes On Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) Ubiquitous Computing Summit

Google MountainView Campus

Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) is going to hold a Summit on Ubiquitous Computing in San Francisco very soon. The company announced it at their recently concluded developers’ conference, but the exact date is yet to be confirmed. The ubiquitous computing technology is being highly explored by Google as a pathway to connect various platforms through this medium that is simpler.

A developer advocate for Google, Timothy Jordan, confirmed that the summit was being planned for fall to ascertain the best way of optimally using the upcoming technology. In an interaction on the Ubiquitous Computing at the developers’ conference, Jordan gave examples of mobile apps like WhatsApp, which can be accessed across various platforms like Android phone, smartwatch, car units and others.

Tech Companies Explore The Technology

The concept is not something that only Google is exploring, but other technology companies are also experimenting to see how they can use the technology to provide an innovation in the computing world. The aim is to provide users the best service that can help them stay connected to any compatible device. As Google has not openly come out on the exact date and time, tech experts are expecting it to happen pretty soon.

Google is known as a pioneer in presenting the latest technologies much before its rivals. A lot of emphasis is given to research and development in the company that aims to provide all possible services to its users. The ubiquitous computing is also a similar attempt, and the technology would be user-friendly.

Google Gears Up

According to reports, the company is currently working on the development of apps using this technology. It would be available on personal computers, tablets, smartphones and others. The developers are also going to make it available on Xbox One.

According to Google experts, the primary code would be the same and only the interface would change for every device in consideration of its screen size and input option. The technology if successful would make the company an unbeatable tech whiz and open the pathway to many other tech innovations.

Sources: Theverge, Venturbeat